Daily Archives: June 19, 2011

Rick Perry vetoes texting-while-driving rule…

…because it amounts to government micro-managing of your life.

Calling it an “overreach” that attempted to “micromanage the behavior of adults,” Gov. Rick Perry vetoed legislation Friday that would have banned texting while driving in Texas.

Perry refused to sign House Bill 242 and offered several pieces of advice about regulating texting behind the wheel, particularly by teenagers.

Just outta curiosity, couldn’t that same logic (not criminalizing dangerous behavior because it’s an invasion of privacy) be used to say DUI laws are wrong?

NOTE: I’m guilty of texting while driving on occasion. I just find his reasoning idiotic.

Re: BP spills, sometimes it doesn't seem to be about party any more…

There’s a George Carlin routine wherein he tackles the notion that we, as citizens, don’t matter beyond our ability to support the already powerful. At first blush it seems like an overly nihilistic viewpoint, playing into the more contrarian ideals rather than anything particularly meaningful, but it’s a great listen and he makes some good points in it. The long and short of it is that you and I exist, in the eyes of corporate dynasties and political battletanks, as tools rather than people.

For a while I wanted to dismiss this out of hand, but when you see the US Courts basically saying that taxpayers are responsible for the BP spill cleanup and not any of those actually responsible, well…

“The injunction at this stage would be useless, as not only is there no ongoing release from the well, but there is also no viable offshore facility from which any release could possibly occur,” U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier wrote. “The Macondo well is dead, and what remains of the Deepwater Horizon vessel is on the ocean floor, where it capsized and sank in 5,000 feet of water.

“Moreover, BP and the agencies comprising the Unified Area Command have been and are cleaning up the Gulf of Mexico. An injury is not redressable by a citizen suit when the injury is already being addressed.”

They go on that it’s now the federal government’s responsibility to take care of the cleanup efforts, which means you and I are paying for it. Meanwhile, BP’s profits are on the rise and let’s not forget that when they scrapped Hayward as CEO he got an $18m severance package.

But that’s the life of a corporate entity. Fuck up, and you get to rake in money while the government takes care of the bill for you. That’s the amazing thing. The federal government is okay with dropping billions to change BP’s diapers, but Senators will take to the floor and shriek that individuals don’t deserve welfare or unemployment benefits when the shitty decisions made by those same big businesses throw their workers into a bread line. God damn.

Watching Real Time with Bill Maher

Some woman yapping about how “spending money has failed” after the Stimulus and Jobs Package (both of which worked somewhat, by the way).

Meanwhile, her solution is the same shit they’ve been trying since the Reagan administration that has never worked. Just baffles me.

EDIT: her name is Gretchen Hamel, apparently, and she was a GWB spokeswoman.

McCain blames immigrants for the wildfires

Because, honestly, why the fuck not.

The right really loves this Obama impersonator

He’s even showing up at GOP conventions. The beautiful part?

Brown cut a close likeness to Obama and generally nailed the president’s intonation and diction. Some of his jokes came at the expense of GOP presidential hopefuls, yielding boos from the audience, however.

They can’t even handle it when their own guy makes fun of them. Where I come from, that’s called “being a goddamn baby.”