The Joe Lieberman situation

I’ve pointedly ignored Joe Lieberman for a while now. The man just grates on me for obvious reasons. If there’s one thing that grinds my gears, it’s anyone who throws both party and supporters under the bus in power grabs and Holy Joe has provided me with so much gear-grinding all I’ve got left is cylinders.

Awful analogy aside, I was downright gleeful to read that Barack Obama may have delivered a little ultimatum to Joementum, telling him to shape up or ship out. At least that’s an assumption, for all I know he could have told Joe to stop bringing Pepsi to the party get-togethers and actually contribute something that requires effort. I don’t know.

The point is that the last two years have been torturous in all things Lieberman. With the Democrats barely holding onto a majority in the Senate, Joe has been the potential tipping point, and as an independent he could at any time choose to nominally or de facto throw the majority to the Republicans if so inclined.

Thanks to this, he’s been able to basically pull down his pants and waggle his shriveled old genitals at the Democrats and the moment they start to get mad and tell him to pull up his damn pants, pretends like he’s going to “accidentally” fall onto the red side of the fence. So the Democrats have been forced to tolerate him because, as it stands, he’s needed.

So you know what? Let me make this simple: fuck Joe Lieberman.

Y’hear that? Fuck ‘im. Lieberman’s gambit was incredibly shortsighted this time around. He created a little situation that worked to his advantage in the near term but offered nothing in the long haul. Let me explain.

Dick Morris is a flaming douchebag. That has nothing to do with what I’m about to say, but I felt like saying it. Anyway, the man was on FOX recently saying that the Democrats are “the party that cannot lose” this November. It was in the interest of making a stupid point about why Obama needs Hillary Clinton as his running mate, but let’s just stick with the first sentence: the Democrats are the party that cannot lose.

On that point, I agree. Come November we’re going to see something amazing. The Democrats are going to find an even larger majority in both houses. You heard it, potentially a filibuster-proof one in the Senate. In every single poll, Democrats are doing better than Republicans in the abstract by wide margins, so while person-to-person Obama may not run away with the win by a country mile, in the Congressional races where fewer people know what the hell’s going on we can expect an even bluer Legislative branch.

This is where Lieberman’s little master plan begins to unravel. The right, let’s face it, loves Lieberman the traitorous Democrat. He’s fantastic from their perspective. A “principled” Democrat who isn’t afraid to go against his party, coincidentally in a way that the right really agrees with. He’s on their side in a way that lets them claim him as an ally and accuse everyone else of being ideological and party-lockstep.

As a brief tangent, Lieberman going against the Democrats on the war doesn’t take balls. What does is to be a Kucinich or Russ Feingold. To stand up and take the “crazy” position that everyone wants privately but is too scared of being called a “radical” to say out loud. Russ Feingold was the only senator, the only Senator to vote against the PATRIOT Act. That’s being courageous. Siding with the opposition knowing they’ll be your best friend isn’t being strong and principled, it’s cowardice.

Here’s the dirty little secret though. The right loves Joe Lieberman the Democrat, they do not want Joe Lieberman the Republican. When he stands up and stumps for McCain and trashes Obama, he’s their ace in the hole: a Democrat defying his party to show just how gosh darn much he supports John McCain or wants us to win in Iraq or whatever. He’s being used by the GOP simply because of his willingness to do the aforementioned genital-waggling at his own party.

Look at Joe Lieberman’s track record: the man is a liberal and a damn good one. Pro-choice, pro-gay-rights, big on energy independence, 0% from the Christian Coalition, the works. If you just went by that, he should the left’s darling. The Iraq War has seen him, and frankly everyone else, ignore 95% of his political positions and define him as the Democrat that hates Democrats and stumps for Republicans. Nevermind that he agrees with the Dems on almost everything, he’s out there pumping Bush and knocking Obama.

Endearing himself to the right while caucusing with the Democrats has enabled him to be needed by both sides. All that goes away as soon as the Democratic majority breaks over 50. Suddenly Lieberman isn’t needed to keep majority. The Democrats have no reason to give a shit who he caucuses with and won’t need to try and keep in his good graces.

That leaves him in an awkward position because no one’s going to want him. The Democrats have proven he’s unwanted as he lost his primary bid in Connecticut, and the Republicans have no reason to want a flaming liberal who just happens to agree with them on Iraq in their party. Holy Joe is going to be burning his bridge at both ends (and yes, I’m aware that I combined two idioms).

So, once again, fuck Joe Lieberman. If he wants to deliver the key note speech at the Republican Convention, let him. In fact, let him break from the Democrats entirely. He’s been kissing asses on the right side of the aisle like mad these past three years, why not let him hop over entirely? Let him see how well that goes.

16 responses to “The Joe Lieberman situation

  1. When the Blue Tide comes, I will be exceedingly annoyed if Liebermann isn’t stripped of his committee assignments and put on the Subcomittee of Lace Doilies and Ribbons Oversight.

  2. When the Blue Tide comes, I will be exceedingly annoyed if Liebermann isn’t stripped of his committee assignments and put on the Subcomittee of Lace Doilies and Ribbons Oversight.

  3. Here in the Razor Arena, we love poetic justice, and watching Lieberman buried in the coffin he built in the grave he dug would certainly qualify as top notch.

  4. Here in the Razor Arena, we love poetic justice, and watching Lieberman buried in the coffin he built in the grave he dug would certainly qualify as top notch.

  5. I was thinking the same thing not hours ago.

  6. I was thinking the same thing not hours ago.

  7. He acts like this due to his unyielding support for Israel, specifically the Israeli right. He believes that the security of Israel is more important than the security of the USA. This is evident from his voting pattern which will never side against Israeli right-wing ideology. Logically this cannot be true as no nation’s security is made equal or lesser to another’s; a nation’s security duties are to itself first and foremost. If Canada’s national security is not the same as ours and we share a common border, there’s little chance some place’s security on the other side of the world can possibly be greater or equal to ours.

    Thus he would have us attack Iran so Israel doesn’t have to and we get to spend all our money and troops doing it. We’re left bloodied while eliminating their & our common enemy, which will not come as cheaply as these politicians would suggest.

    This isn’t a matter of supporting Israel but rather doing so in an honest manner that does not involve betraying our own interests in favor of another nation’s, at the price of our own people. We need pragmatism, not more of the same old ideology thats been preached for the last 50 years and clearly gone no where.

  8. He acts like this due to his unyielding support for Israel, specifically the Israeli right. He believes that the security of Israel is more important than the security of the USA. This is evident from his voting pattern which will never side against Israeli right-wing ideology. Logically this cannot be true as no nation’s security is made equal or lesser to another’s; a nation’s security duties are to itself first and foremost. If Canada’s national security is not the same as ours and we share a common border, there’s little chance some place’s security on the other side of the world can possibly be greater or equal to ours.

    Thus he would have us attack Iran so Israel doesn’t have to and we get to spend all our money and troops doing it. We’re left bloodied while eliminating their & our common enemy, which will not come as cheaply as these politicians would suggest.

    This isn’t a matter of supporting Israel but rather doing so in an honest manner that does not involve betraying our own interests in favor of another nation’s, at the price of our own people. We need pragmatism, not more of the same old ideology thats been preached for the last 50 years and clearly gone no where.

  9. I will only fuck Joe Lieberman if I can wear a penis knife. Or more like a turbo-powered penis chainsaw-machete.

  10. I will only fuck Joe Lieberman if I can wear a penis knife. Or more like a turbo-powered penis chainsaw-machete.

  11. Lieberman is jewish. Jewish politicans vote the same way regardless of party.

  12. Lieberman is jewish. Jewish politicans vote the same way regardless of party.

  13. Why don’t you just be an American instead of a Dem or Rep, quit polarizing. Both parties suck ass! Lieberman got fed up with the Moveon’ing of the left and wouldn’t kowtow to their bullshit. He realizes it’s about people, not parties. The truth is somewhere in the middle, wake up!

  14. Why don’t you just be an American instead of a Dem or Rep, quit polarizing. Both parties suck ass! Lieberman got fed up with the Moveon’ing of the left and wouldn’t kowtow to their bullshit. He realizes it’s about people, not parties. The truth is somewhere in the middle, wake up!

  15. I’ve heard talk about Lieberman as a McCain VP pick, but his liberal track record makes that highly unlikely (although not impossible).

  16. I’ve heard talk about Lieberman as a McCain VP pick, but his liberal track record makes that highly unlikely (although not impossible).

  17. I’ve been saying “fuck Joe Lieberman” for almost a decade now. He has a long record of being “for the children” pro-censorship, siding with such backwards-thinking lobby groups as the Parents Television Council. Definitely evil.

  18. I’ve been saying “fuck Joe Lieberman” for almost a decade now. He has a long record of being “for the children” pro-censorship, siding with such backwards-thinking lobby groups as the Parents Television Council. Definitely evil.

  19. If “Talmudic scholar “Joe Lieberman’s real intentions ever become known amongst Bush’s religiously afflicted base, than our “special” relationship with Israel would come under much needed review.

    But, as neocon agent in place, Richard Perle said in an interview for a Frontline documentry for PBS…”there is no fear of the special relationship ever changing.” As someone who has engaged in clear cut espionage against America on behalf of his country of primary allegiance. [Google: Klystrons, and see the familiar names that pop up.] Perle knows exactly of what he speaks.

    As bad as things are under this most malleable sociopath in chief, count your blessings that Gore had the election stolen by the Supreme Court. As an unbound “President Lieberman” would have turned evey aspect of Americas military might into an extension of the IDF.

    Eretz Yisrael would have been a mere starter, the Temple Mount [Har haBayit] gone. Arab opposition nuked into silence. Let that gasbag Hagee see who’s using who in the death march towards the first or second comming.

    Lieberman’s liberal record: In light of his real feelings for us “goyim” of course he was liberal on abortion and gay marriage…let them destroy themselves…who would care.

    However, once the neocons worked their Straussian noble lie of America as devine hegemon, in search of countries to inflict democracy on. It was time for “Talmudic Joe”to switch sides, because either side is just a means to an end in his quest for Israel.

    9-11 was a neo con dream come through. No longer were the Israel firsters, and agents in place satisfied with a mere 3 to 5 billion dollars a year in guilt money.

    Now Americas treasure wasn’t enough, the blood of her sons and daughters were to be spent as needed on Israels behalf. Now that the neocons sold the lie that Israels and Americas enemies are one and the same, the unquestioning, religiously afflicted Crusaders jumped on board.

    I know full well that I’ll be called anti-Semitic for pointing out the simple truth of the matter. Joe Lieberman and most of the neocons can’t see past the point of securing Israel at any price. 9-11 was their chance to act, George Bush was exactly the incurious, narcissistic sociopath who could be told of his singular greatness to be; and flattered into this disaster by a gang of unrepentant criminals who still lust for more blood to be spilt.

    The Relm has not been secured, Israel and her arch enabler America are in more danger than at any time in the recent history of conflict. That idiot Mc Cain goes on about Iran’s desire to destroy Isreal, by obtaining nuclear weapons.

    Yet the fact that Americas misadventure in Iraq has opened a Shite cresent that’s a danger to the entire middle east goes unmentioned. In Iran’s wildest fantasy, she could never accomplish through money or might the position George Bush’s controllers has handed her.

    I’ve read that AIPAC has lowered the endless belligerent rhetoric, because of the upcoming Democratic take over of power. What a joke, a leopard, no matter how superficially sincere cannot change its spots.

    For the near term future consider every American politician compromised by the various arms of the Israeli lobby. I fear only more American blood spilt on adventures for Israel will lead to someone eventually questioning this nonproductive madness.

    Fortunately its already started, what is said in private about our alleged ally is starting to be heard. It will be from somewhere within law enforcement, the military or intelligence services that the collective word “enough already” will echo.

    Charges of anti-Semitism will have lost their sting, as being pro American will override these specious charges by people who have worn out any middle ground.

    Richard Perle is convinced this day will never come…I say Israels very future depends on it

    Mossad agents danced for joy on the Jersey side of the Hudson river as the twin towers were attacked on the morning of 9-11.
    This is not some story from an anti Israeli website, but a documented fact.

    That same morning a van that tested positive for explosives was stopped on the George Washington bridge, several Isreali nationals were arrested on, after, and before 9-11.
    Many of them were from various Israeli military and intelligence agencies. They were held in custody for a time but all were allowed to return to Israel.

    Are these the actions of a reliable ally? I want to make this clear, there is no credibile evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11. However Israeli intelligence knew something we didn’t, and said nothing. I wonder if those agents are laughing now.

    Israel is in more direct danger than ever before. They were soundly beaten by what amounts to a militia in Lebanon. Iran doesn’t fear Israel in any sense of the word, and in fact feels it can beat the IDF in any regional conflict.

    As time goes on the present situation of endless conflict can only lead to more neverending destruction. Lieberman actually thinks bombing Iran will help the situation, Mc Cains middle-east advisors are the same wingnut welfare recipiants who hijacked our present middle-east policy.

    Joe Lieberman…go fuck yourself!

  20. If “Talmudic scholar “Joe Lieberman’s real intentions ever become known amongst Bush’s religiously afflicted base, than our “special” relationship with Israel would come under much needed review.

    But, as neocon agent in place, Richard Perle said in an interview for a Frontline documentry for PBS…”there is no fear of the special relationship ever changing.” As someone who has engaged in clear cut espionage against America on behalf of his country of primary allegiance. [Google: Klystrons, and see the familiar names that pop up.] Perle knows exactly of what he speaks.

    As bad as things are under this most malleable sociopath in chief, count your blessings that Gore had the election stolen by the Supreme Court. As an unbound “President Lieberman” would have turned evey aspect of Americas military might into an extension of the IDF.

    Eretz Yisrael would have been a mere starter, the Temple Mount [Har haBayit] gone. Arab opposition nuked into silence. Let that gasbag Hagee see who’s using who in the death march towards the first or second comming.

    Lieberman’s liberal record: In light of his real feelings for us “goyim” of course he was liberal on abortion and gay marriage…let them destroy themselves…who would care.

    However, once the neocons worked their Straussian noble lie of America as devine hegemon, in search of countries to inflict democracy on. It was time for “Talmudic Joe”to switch sides, because either side is just a means to an end in his quest for Israel.

    9-11 was a neo con dream come through. No longer were the Israel firsters, and agents in place satisfied with a mere 3 to 5 billion dollars a year in guilt money.

    Now Americas treasure wasn’t enough, the blood of her sons and daughters were to be spent as needed on Israels behalf. Now that the neocons sold the lie that Israels and Americas enemies are one and the same, the unquestioning, religiously afflicted Crusaders jumped on board.

    I know full well that I’ll be called anti-Semitic for pointing out the simple truth of the matter. Joe Lieberman and most of the neocons can’t see past the point of securing Israel at any price. 9-11 was their chance to act, George Bush was exactly the incurious, narcissistic sociopath who could be told of his singular greatness to be; and flattered into this disaster by a gang of unrepentant criminals who still lust for more blood to be spilt.

    The Relm has not been secured, Israel and her arch enabler America are in more danger than at any time in the recent history of conflict. That idiot Mc Cain goes on about Iran’s desire to destroy Isreal, by obtaining nuclear weapons.

    Yet the fact that Americas misadventure in Iraq has opened a Shite cresent that’s a danger to the entire middle east goes unmentioned. In Iran’s wildest fantasy, she could never accomplish through money or might the position George Bush’s controllers has handed her.

    I’ve read that AIPAC has lowered the endless belligerent rhetoric, because of the upcoming Democratic take over of power. What a joke, a leopard, no matter how superficially sincere cannot change its spots.

    For the near term future consider every American politician compromised by the various arms of the Israeli lobby. I fear only more American blood spilt on adventures for Israel will lead to someone eventually questioning this nonproductive madness.

    Fortunately its already started, what is said in private about our alleged ally is starting to be heard. It will be from somewhere within law enforcement, the military or intelligence services that the collective word “enough already” will echo.

    Charges of anti-Semitism will have lost their sting, as being pro American will override these specious charges by people who have worn out any middle ground.

    Richard Perle is convinced this day will never come…I say Israels very future depends on it

    Mossad agents danced for joy on the Jersey side of the Hudson river as the twin towers were attacked on the morning of 9-11.
    This is not some story from an anti Israeli website, but a documented fact.

    That same morning a van that tested positive for explosives was stopped on the George Washington bridge, several Isreali nationals were arrested on, after, and before 9-11.
    Many of them were from various Israeli military and intelligence agencies. They were held in custody for a time but all were allowed to return to Israel.

    Are these the actions of a reliable ally? I want to make this clear, there is no credibile evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11. However Israeli intelligence knew something we didn’t, and said nothing. I wonder if those agents are laughing now.

    Israel is in more direct danger than ever before. They were soundly beaten by what amounts to a militia in Lebanon. Iran doesn’t fear Israel in any sense of the word, and in fact feels it can beat the IDF in any regional conflict.

    As time goes on the present situation of endless conflict can only lead to more neverending destruction. Lieberman actually thinks bombing Iran will help the situation, Mc Cains middle-east advisors are the same wingnut welfare recipiants who hijacked our present middle-east policy.

    Joe Lieberman…go fuck yourself!

  21. Kerry-Lieberman were two stuffed shirts when they ran in 2004. Two better losers the Democrats could not have found. Lieberman is Connecticut’s problem since they have given AIPAC his vote.

  22. Kerry-Lieberman were two stuffed shirts when they ran in 2004. Two better losers the Democrats could not have found. Lieberman is Connecticut’s problem since they have given AIPAC his vote.

  23. Lieberman didn’t run in 2004, bud. It was Kerry-Edwards in ’04, Gore-Lieberman in ’00.

    Note to future commenters: if you’re going to rip on the opposing party, know what you’re talking about.

  24. Lieberman didn’t run in 2004, bud. It was Kerry-Edwards in ’04, Gore-Lieberman in ’00.

    Note to future commenters: if you’re going to rip on the opposing party, know what you’re talking about.

  25. So much for bridging all those divides in the American body politic that Obama keeps taking about, right, Fuck Joe Lieberman. This is why a large bloc of voters don’t view Obama as honest, his partisans reek of hate and vengence. I know, I know, it’s different when Dems act as they accuse the GOOP’ers of acting. That’s justified and righteous, the GOOP’ers are just evil. This is one unaffiliated Clinton voter in NC that is voting for McCain. that lives in a house with 3 other Clinton voters voting for McCain in the fall.

  26. So much for bridging all those divides in the American body politic that Obama keeps taking about, right, Fuck Joe Lieberman. This is why a large bloc of voters don’t view Obama as honest, his partisans reek of hate and vengence. I know, I know, it’s different when Dems act as they accuse the GOOP’ers of acting. That’s justified and righteous, the GOOP’ers are just evil. This is one unaffiliated Clinton voter in NC that is voting for McCain. that lives in a house with 3 other Clinton voters voting for McCain in the fall.

  27. Do you have a reason to vote for McCain other than bullheaded protest? Let me tell you, in 2011 when our soldiers are still dying in Iraq in a McCain presidency, will you be able to look their loved ones in the face and say “I let your brothers, your sisters, your children and spouses, die because I didn’t like Obama’s attitude”?


  28. Do you have a reason to vote for McCain other than bullheaded protest? Let me tell you, in 2011 when our soldiers are still dying in Iraq in a McCain presidency, will you be able to look their loved ones in the face and say “I let your brothers, your sisters, your children and spouses, die because I didn’t like Obama’s attitude”?


  29. Pingback: Debra Bartoshevich isn't alone, apparently - Patrick McIlheran: Right On


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