Obama’s like Hitler? What?

Go sit in the corner, dunce.Oh Media Matters. Where would I be without you?

I do love the opportunity to rip into right-wing morons, and this is a real doozie. I mean, I’ve heard, read, and written about a lot of asinine stuff that popped out of the mouths of conservatives on here, but in terms of sheer stupidity it’s hard to top likening Obama to Hitler based, solely apparently, on their ability to rally a crowd.

SULLIVAN: But they certainly knew the Republicans were spending more than they possibly should have. Let’s take a short break and come back. No, no, can we get this in now? OK. Before the break, a caller just before the bottom of the hour said that Barack Obama’s speech reminds him of hearing the speeches of Adolf Hitler. So, ladies and gentlemen, from the past, a little archive, a little walk down Der Fuehrer’s memory lane. Here he is, the one, the only, Adolf Hitler.


SULLIVAN: Yay! Yay! All right, great. I don’t know what he said. Here’s Barack Obama.



Now, I understand that the caller said it, but the fact that this guy ran with it just ridiculous, and frankly it shows a lot about the mindset of the caller as well as the host. Any halfway reasonable person would have said “no, that’s stupid and you’re stupid for saying it,” but not ol’ Sullivan, not ol’ FOX News.

When most people hear Obama speak, and hear the crowd moved, they probably think of men like JFK and his famous “ask not” speech, or Martin Luther King’s ability to get a crowd cheering. You know, inspirational people. I for one don’t think of Adolf Friggin’ Hitler. Apparently these guys do. I wonder what that says about them.

19 responses to “Obama’s like Hitler? What?

  1. He is similar to hitler in that he has broad popular appeal, offers vague promises of change, and speaks very well
    Hopefully he is not evil, but who knows. Everyone thought hitler was great in the early years

  2. At least Obama does not list scapegoats! What minority group is he picking on? None that I heard…

  3. In the beginning of Hitler’s rule, he did not begin the extermination of the Jews. It was not something that happened over night. No, Obama does not have any clear group of people he plans to opress…not yet. Just wait until he gets into office. Obama is a Socialist and most Socialist tend to opress the religious ideas and freedoms of religious groups. Wait until he grows our government so big that we are taxed 40% of our paycheck and wait until his administration controls everything that we say and do. The fact is that Hitler started out as a socialist. If you watch the speeches of Hitler you will see women fainting and people standing in line to get Hitler’s autograph. Does this sound and look familiar? Have you seen an Obama forum yet? Obama is like a dangerous man with a loaded gun that he has never fired. Just wiat until he creates kaos and mess, and none of his fluffy warm fuzzy speeches wil undo the damages. It really doesn’t matter anyway because come November when people actually get into the privacy of the voting booth they will vote for the old white guy. It’s not personal it’s just the reality of America today.

    • Many are spiritually ignorant. They do not weigh what they hear against truth, thus they blindly follow. I’ve talked to Obama supporters who flat out admit they will follow Obama no matter what. One thing they have in common rebellion to God. In essence Obama is their god. When people aren’t governed by the true God, they shall be governed by evil tyrants. The same spirit that gave Hitler influence over the naive is now operating through Obama. Obama said nothing and people fainted and cried. It was said that hitler spoke as a man seducing a women, only he seduced a nation. I’ve longed called Obama a player. Why/ because with vain words he lured followers. He’s given glimpses of his true colors, an impetuous, vile, stiffnecked wicked man. If he’s voted in again he shall do his master’s bidding, his mask will come off. America is ripe for such a leader, as it exalts Satan’s children, lady GaGa is a prime example with her song “I love Judas”. If America didnt embrace evil, she would not be popular. The only hope for America is turning from sin to Jesus Christ.
      Take a look at this link revealing Hitler’s characteristics and tell me Obama doesn’t posses them.


      Remember, Hitler considered himself to be THE Antichrist, as did many other occultists in the world at that time. In reality, Hitler was the immediate forerunner of the true Antichrist. Hitler was the Seventh Mystery King of Revelation 17:10-11; the true Antichrist will be the Eighth Mystery King and will be exactly like him, just as prophecy foretold. Yet, this Eighth Mystery King will successfully hide his monstrosity from everyone in the world, convincing them he is coming as a “Loving” Christ, a bringer of “Peace and Safety” to a world that is so hungry for it. After he has convinced nearly everyone that he is Divine and worthy of worship, he will strip off his mask and initiate the monstrous events of the book of Revelation. Truly was the prophet Daniel correct when he said, “By peace he shall destroy many.” (Daniel 8:25).

  4. I think that if you read barack obamas book you will see how he loves his country and is a very likable person and he has vast knowledge of the constitution and believes in being peacefull even with his strongest opponent so hes on the right track but the problem is the people hes alliging himself up with are antisemites self jew haters and anti whites and and atheists.another words hes great hes intelligent and has good plans besides his strong liberal views but with regards to his friends they r dangerous

  5. Rob, I have to give you credit. You just managed to cram the most amount of stupid into a single paragraph that I’ve ever seen. Congratulations.

  6. Obama does list scapegoats, Not only does he non-stop bash bush for his job done, which he was barely part of, but he continues to use the republicans as the scapegoat here for the recession which are digging OURSELVES deeper into.

  7. Obama is the least prepared politician to run for president. hillary is by far better prepared to become president. It’s ignorance by the people that later we regret our decision all because we choose a man that has charisma and speaks well, and motives your sense by word (hope and change) that are NOT written by him. He has no external experience and berely has internal experience, remember he use to be a lawyer and lawyers key success is to pursuade by the way they deliver words. thats all he is talented on, not politics. gceron@aol.com

  8. America needs to wake up. I realize that many of us are angry with the Bush administration- but are we angry enough to vote in OBAMA?? There are so many rumors about this man that he just brushes aside as if they are nothing- yet we don’t question him. There is a strong possibility that if we elect this man- our country will be turning socialist and then worse!(just like Nazi Germany). Hitler came to power as a change from the awful economy. He promised to decrease the unemployment rate and restore Germany’s standing in the world. He was voted in democratically. Then he slowly began to take away constitutional rights of citizens-such as free speech, right to bear arms, freedom to worship….It was not until after, that he turned into the crazy Hitler that we all remember. We are doomed to repeat mistakes of the past if we don’t heed them. I understand that we do don’t “LOVE” McCain- but I can guarantee he is much safer than Senator Obama!

  9. Obama is not a Biblical Christian. He hates Biblical Christianity as does his pastor Wright.
    He will target Christians because his worldview differs completely from Christianity.
    His other scapegoat is the the unborn child. They are today what the Jews were in Nazi Germany–an unborn child hinders the mother from becoming what she wants to be and costs her financially. Almost 40 years of sacrificial babes. Christians will be the next to go in his administration because they “don’t care”about the plight of the poor unwed mother. Its already happening. Christian thought and ideas are ridiculed. The next step is to try to shut us up.

  10. AsinineConservative

    Hanlon you said nothing in this article. All you said is, “this is ridiculous.” You apparently aren’t smart enough to refute a comparison that is completely valid. The latest way he’s like hitler is his youth corp

  11. I believe the same, Obama is not what we need for America.


  12. Obama IS our modern day Hitler. Both were inspiring orators. And both started youth military movements (if you haven’t heard about Hussein’s plan to force children into service, you need to google it). The Muslim’s said they would next attack us from within. Er, hello? Way too many Americans drank the koolaid. I truly fear for America. This man will ruin the country.

  13. Obama is to babies in the womb what Hitler was to jews in the oven.

  14. All of you that compare Obama to Hitler are childishly ridiculous and probably have nothing better to do than sit around and wine that your candidate didn’t win. I haven’t read anything from Obama that is nearly as questionable as “Mein Kompf” (for you uneducated folks that was Hitler’s book thathe wrote in prison blaming everything on the Jews) and also I know sime of you right wing folks get all up at arms because his middle name happens to be Hussein but did you dislike JFK because his last name is the same Jack Kennedy who was a train robber that a lot of people in Missouri didn’t like, no you didn’t. And I am a very spiritual Christian and do not agree at all with abortion, but what did Bush do about abortion when he was in office?? I have yet to see him take away our rights as Christians and when I do I will say something about it, but quite frankly the reason Christians keep getting our rights taken away is because WE let it happen. Atheists almost got Under God taken out of the pledge of allegience because we did nothing. You have to realize that the squeaky wheel gets the hinge and until Christians start squeaking we are going to continue to lose our rights. Lastly will you “conservatives” and republicans please grow up and if you want to do something about this huge fear of Obama get out there and do something about it and stop whining with people who agree with you with it. Welcome to the real world and once again it is sadly being presented to you by a seventeen year old =] now I’m going to go play some video games and drive fast and what not peace…

  15. Lets face it, Republicans/Conservatives and Democrats/Liberals are always slinging mud at each other and usually a small portion is right… but if you ignore who is slinging the mud and look at the facts it is true. Obama is very similar to Hitler, he holds many ideas that Hitler held such as a “gestapo” like police, forced community “voluntary” service, a socialistic stupendous health care plan that will great two groups of people, the eligible and ineligible… essentially allowing the government to terminate YOUR health care if you say naughty things about Obama or the gov.

    There are a number of ex-Nazi men and women who KNOW what Hitler and Nazism is all about and have confirmed that Obama is treading the same ground. But ignoring that, Obama lied through his teeth when running for president, why should we believe anything else he says.

    People hated Bush, Obama took the proverbial torch from Bush and has been running further and faster with it then Bush ever did.

    WAKE UP AMERICA! The answer is not in republican or democratic nominees, it is in ADHERING COMPLETELY AND ON-EQUIVOCALLY TO OUR CONSTITUTION AND THE FOUNDATION OF OUR COUNTRY! That is why we have become great… if we leave this we will never rise again.

    Before you disagree, read history. Our founding fathers predicted this would happen under certain circumstances, those circumstances have been met in Bush and Obama as well as many other political figures.

  16. Just reading these old comments. Obama is indeed an empty suit. (Bush was an idiot too)

    Socialism looks good on paper, but it always ends in: We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.

    They guy that said we will be taxed 40 percent is just about right. I am awaiting a tax increase for all this brilliance.

  17. So i’ve been reading through all of these comments and been reading a lot of information about Obama and his similarities to Hitler. What I consistently see in so many posts/blogs/reports is that Obama is running the same track as Hitler. It makes me laugh that anyone could believe it to be true, but it baffles me that so many believe it. To believe any one person could take our democratic government and simply slash it sideways to become Fascist is ridiculous. Anyone who does believe is caught up in hype and propaganda more so than any Obama supporter.

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