Sherrod to sue Breitbart over the edited video.

Good. Fuck that guy.

The really aggravating part is that there are people defending Breitbart.

6 responses to “Sherrod to sue Breitbart over the edited video.

  1. I agree that it is aggravating that people are defending this lying puss-bag, but for me the most aggravating thing is that it got this far at all–that is, that once again the Obama administration along with the media at large got duped by a known liar and swindler. As you say, though, fuck that guy and good for Sherrod. I hope she takes him to the cleaners.

  2. I agree that it is aggravating that people are defending this lying puss-bag, but for me the most aggravating thing is that it got this far at all–that is, that once again the Obama administration along with the media at large got duped by a known liar and swindler. As you say, though, fuck that guy and good for Sherrod. I hope she takes him to the cleaners.

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